function CreateVirtechChartObjectOnLoad(){ var obj = document.getElementById("LobbyNewContainer") //alert(obj) var SFW_LOBBY_FILE = "/CAClientPages/new_images/FLASH/str_au.swf?aaa=AA"; document.getElementById("LobbyNewContainer").colspan ="2"; CreateVirtechChartObject(SFW_LOBBY_FILE, "objectFlashId", 1 , 1, "", "", obj); } function getObjectFlash(id){ if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) { return document.getElementById(id); } else { return document[id]; } } /** This function is invoked by Flash action script once the shared object initialized. param: fcValue - cookie value. param: cookieEventStatus - status returned by action script API when creating the shared object. param: urlProtocol - returns HTTP/HTTPS. Author: BarakO */ function setSAInput(fcValue, cookieEventStatus, urlProtocol){ document.logon.saInput.value = fcValue; document.logon.saInputStaus.value = cookieEventStatus; document.logon.saInputProtocol.value = urlProtocol; document.logon.saFlash.value = DetectFlashVer(10, 0, 0); }